Posted by : Just An Otaku Monday, March 25, 2013

Good things will definitely come as long as you keep on LIVING!!!

If ProSun didn't return then don't be hopeless think that something even better is heading ur way...

Taking too much tenson will cause u to lose ur health n money...

TENSION is not the name for taking it is the name for giving :p

I know we are all here gathered for the thing called MONEY but it is not everything. There are many other things which are more precious which money cant buy...

{ 6 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. I just talked to my brother in law who is an IT guy as well. His company sends him around the US, and even to Europe to work. He told me that to completely transfer a sever that deals with so many accounts, securities and money... Let alone to a completely different country. He said that even with a lot of staff working on it, you'll be lucky if it took even 2 weeks to complete. He said that it can take months. So if this is what's going on. I know that even tho I didn't really want to hear that length of time. I'm more at ease knowing some info. At least now I can get SOME sleep at night.... Praying PS will return soon!

    1. I agree with you. They need much time in order to change a server. Let's hope they pay us in this week. What does it mean IT?

    2. I think that the update will take 1-2 working days.
      Everything will be ready on Wednesday or Thursday.

      Greetings from Finland

    3. Οk, I want to say this from my part: I am an affiliate of Banners Broker. This company seems very truthfull, it grows up in the Internet, and recently made a big upgrade. We see continuously their site at times down, though they have many operators working on it.
      For this reason I understand also the difficulty of Prosun to finish soon this work of upgrading. Unfortunately it takes time that is difficult to anticipate.

  2. Now this is information about IT from Wikipedia. It is Information Technology. Is it so?



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