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- SomeThing You Should Read Regarding Current Situation
Posted by : Anonymous
Friday, March 8, 2013
Pay no attention whatsoever to the detractors who recklessly proclaim that Profitable Sunrise is a scam. They demonstrate extreme disregard for many thousands of willing participants whose lives have been changed via their participation in the program. There are reasons for the changes and the program will continue for those who choose to accept them and move forward.
1. I have received a lot of complaints from many members who may not be able to withdraw using the new Bank withdrawal option because of the limitations attached to it. You are only capable of withdrawing via the bank when the amount is above $200 or $300!
The good news is that a new form of withdrawal that will take care of people with smaller amounts will be implemented soon according to Roman.
Here is what he has to say:
"1. We limit this capability due to taxation and reporting issues. It is not available for everyone at the moment."
"2. We are very close to launching the e-checks. This will work for both small and larger amounts."
1. This means that the capability to withdraw via the e-currencies has been limited because of taxation issues as he stated in his last update. If you are affected, then use the Bank Option below. If you are still able to withdraw via STP, go ahead!
2. E-checks will be implemented to handle both bigger and smaller amounts. (Time not specified).
To make Bank Wire withdrawals from your PS Account Balance.
Log into your Profitable Sunrise Account.
1. Click on Withdrawal
2. Select Bank
3. Add the AMOUNT
4. Click on PROCEED
5. You will be prompted to add your Banking Information on the new page.
6. Proceed and complete your withdrawal request.
NOTE: If the above process fails, it is because you do not have enough
funds in your Available balance to withdraw.
P.S: Pass this info to your Team to keep everyone informed as I do not have
everyone's email address and I do not intend to have them.
I hope the above info helps.
Remain blessed!