Posted by : Admin Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hello all,

Please pass this on to your downline and have them do the same. An earlier email did not go to everyone and this has been corrected. Had a great conversation this last week with Roman. We talked about current affairs, Easter Gift and the future of PSR. He did want everyone to know that you are all appreciated and wanted to be sure that you know he says 'Thank you'. He also said to please be patient. We spoke for about an hour and part of that conversation was "we will be moving servers". That information went in one ear and out the other and never thought to ask any details. What is happening now is just that. One of the more important items was the growth of the Asian areas and how this will impact and benefit all of us. He said this is an area that is a great value for what he is doing with his company and for us. We talked about the delays in Support, payment solutions, why the need for wires only etc.

He is in the process of training new staff for support that speak at least 3 languages. Pay solutions including Echeck and offshore banking and possibly other types will be available soon. He does not want to be held "hostage" by a pay processor company. One of the reasons for moving to wires is not for his benefit but for ours. They are not "bound" by US concerns but as anyone can imagine, different agencies want their fair share and are not comfortable unless they know exactly what (we) are doing with any earnings. While this does not impact those who are out of the US, remember, companies like STP, banks and others can be affected unless they feel confident that funds are correctly reported so it cannot be ignored. For now, we wait. In the time of knowing Roman, he is very intelligent and knows what needs to be done. Again he appreciates the support, prayers and each of us.

Hope to have more information soon!
Take care...

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Hurry It Up Roman!!!!

  2. And who is the group leader that put out this information? Apparently not all group leads are being as resourceful.



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